Inspiration is a Fickle Lover

I leave a lot of these posts prescheduled.

There are days when I’m just inspired as fuck (truly this is the only way to describe it). Where my fingers won’t calm on the keyboard. then there are days where I stare at the screen for 30 minutes in frustration and despair.

So I use my fully fueled days wisely. I scatter my posts throughout the months, space them out to make you think I am constantly visited by inspiration, when in fact she only decides to drop by on few occasions. At least when she does, she comes with an appetite. I just do my best to have all the tools handy to be able to feed her, and yet still have sustenance for when she is gone.

I also wonder what would happen if I died. These posts might continue for a short while. I could talk to you from beyond the grave in a sense. I wonder who would see that as comforting and who would see that as tragic. I’d like to think most would see the latter, but who’s to say?

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